Last August (2008), I visited the Bohemian Paradise (Czech Republic). It was just for a holiday, not for a research project. On some days I have taken my camera and went searching for dragonflies. Here's a partly illustrated list of what I found.
Aeshna cyanea
At several places I found the Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea). A small pond in the area of the Prachovský skály was full of them. Several patrolling males and a freshly emerged female.
Sympetrum sanguineum
The Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum) seems to be the most common Sympetrum species. I saw this species at many locations, including oviposition. The most common Sympetrum species in the Netherlands are S. vulgatum and S. striolatum - although the situation is of course dependent of the location.
Somatochlora metallica
The Brilliant Emerald (Somatochlora metallica) is one of the species which still misses on my species list for the Netherlands. This one is photographed at the Sedmihorky pond.
Aeshna mixta
The Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta) is very common in the area.
Ischnura pumilio
There was a population of the Small Bluetail (Ischnura pumilio) at the edge of a pond with the name Komárovský rybník. This is another species which lacks on my list for the Netherlands. I was happy to photograph both male and female.
Ischnura elegans
The Blue-tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans) is a common species in the area.
More species
Some other species of which I did not take a decent photo.
- Lestes viridis
- Orthetrum cancellatum
- Aeshna grandis
- Sympetrum vulgatum
- Calopteryx virgo, still missing on my list for the Netherlands as well.
- Calopteryx splendens
Hi...Thank you for vsiting my newest blog...I'm glad you did, since it led me to yours. I am new to Damsel and Dragon I.D., I just started photographing them this year for my Blotanical blog. I.D. is so hard for me as my camera is not the best and I can't capture detail as your photos! Your photos are stunning...I'll keep tabs on your blog! Question...Those winter damsels...what was the approximate temperature on that day in February?
Thanks for you visit and comment.
To answer your question. The temperature when I found the Winter Damselflies was about 10-15 °C. I don't remember exactly, only that is was a sunny and surprisingly warm day for the time of the year.
ID-ing dragonflies is sometimes quite hard for me too. It makes it easier that the number of species in Europe is not as large as in the US. Also I found a nice forum with very experienced people to help me.
I would love to see a dragon or damsel in our February...I know that's not going to happen!
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